Wednesday, 3 July 2019

The Goblins and the Fairies Play.

Yes, the Goblins jump and play,
run and hide through night and day.
With The Fairies of the Timeless zone,
I sit and watch, when I'm alone.

Through the silvered mirror on the wall,
I can see them laugh, fight and fall.
With a Scarlett Hat, Blue Shirt, Green boots.
Who could help but smile,at their multi-coloured suits?

With a Magic, all of their own.
They are born, quite fully grown.
With no time to wear them out.
Life's just fun as they dance, sing and shout.

Just then I'm spotted through the Silver,
and that makes them laugh some more.
Were they laughing 'with' me, or 'at' me?
I'm really not so sure.

Now the Fairies in your garden,
were there when life began.
Watching your behaviour,
as You play out Your Master Plan.

When a little Fairy whispers, gently in your ear.
Or a Goblin says he'll help you
to see life's wonders clear.
Open up your mind. Unlock your secret door.
The knowledge they will share with you,
is true forever more.

Life is given FREE for living.
Not for placing Guilt – Condemning - Forgiving.
Why worry What is thought of you.
Live life for Love.

It's Honesty and Beauty.
It's Laughter and It's Pain.
It's the Birth of little Babies,
and the Death of Lonely Men.

Love's the song you need to hear,
to bring back memories, cherished dear.
It's the book that's written from the 'Soul'.

And the Poem that doesn't Rhyme.

It's all the fights you've ever had.
It's the Hate you felt for your Mum and Dad.
Love is strange, but it's TRUE.
That Love is every part of you.

You rail against it every day.
When you run and hide.Fight and Play.
The Fairies and the Goblins,live for honesty.
They don't have the hang-ups,
that restrain both You and Me.

Does it matter they look silly?
They are having FUN.
No weight of guilt or shame for them.
Just watch them Dance, and Play, and Run.

Perhaps they do just laugh 'at' me,
surrounded by my wall of fear.
Afraid I might look just like 'Them',
Not mature, and not sincere.

We must be really Stupid,
not to see that Life is Love.
Not to see that Love is Life,
first given to us, from Above.

To help us all fulfil our dreams,
our hopes and our ambitions.
The Fairies and the Goblins,
show there's really No Conditions.
Unconditional Love you see,
guides us to our 'Destiny'.

Dreams, daydreams, hopes, fears, ambitions are all manifested in our minds eye. If we sit alone and visualise those Fairies, they 'will' surely appear. They will speak to you in your own tongue, and give you unconditional advice and help. Should you take it or ignore it? (The choice is Yours)

Excerpt from 'Memories - Like Autumn Leaves' by Ven Bunce.

Check Out 'Start An Organic Fairy Garden' Here!